IG LIVE: VBAC chat, with Dr Lachie Brennan
Watch the video below to listen in on all things VBAC with Dr Lachie and I, including:
Balancing risks & benefits
What happens during a uterine rupture
Risk of uterine rupture
Timing between pregnancies
Care in labour
What can you do to prepare for your VBAC?
Induction & VBAC
Helpful Resources
Lachie’s takeaway message for women thinking about VBAC.
Watch on Instagram:
I hope this provides you with some useful information on VBAC! As always, if you have any questions please reach out.
Much love -
*Information shared is of a general nature only and is not medical advice — please see your own care provider for specific and individualised information and advice. All personal stories & photos shared with permission.
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