The Birth Buzz: October 2022
3 ways to nourish yourself during the last few days and weeks of pregnancy & what's coming up…
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Hello Lovelies,
A little bit of story-telling and a delve into the often unspoken about ‘space in between’ for this month…
I still remember the last few days of my first pregnancy… I’m not a long gestator (I think I made that word up but stick with me) so I can’t speak from personal experience and going beyond forty weeks (yes you have permission to swear at me for those who do or are currently in the midst!).
My husband and I were driving home from my parent’s house with a box of pizza on my lap after using their bath once again (while we renovated our house). I said to my husband, “I’m so grateful to be pregnant, but I’ve really had enough.” The nausea had started coming back at night and the pelvic pain and pressure was intense… I was so depleted and worried if I’d even have the energy to carry my body through birth after a rough pregnancy.
That night in the early hours of the morning my labour began… and while I may not have personal experience of a ‘post dates’ pregnancy, I have cared for and supported many women during this phase.
In my Acuneedling practice it is something I cherish, holding space for the many emotions this time can bring… the feelings of being over it, mounting pressure sometimes from care providers, sometimes from friends and family (“Have you had the baby yet?”) and sometimes from the women themselves… the doubt creeps in, the frustration, the grief that can come with adding another family member and the changing relationships and dynamics that are ahead.
With this in mind I wanted to share 3 things to think about as you enter into the last few weeks of your pregnancy…
Moving inward – many women will instinctively feel the need to be less social, to move inwards and just potter along quietly. There is wisdom in this and protecting oxytocin, it loves and prefers calm and privacy... so making time to really slow down can be really supportive of your body and mind. I like to think of this time as another phase of labour, the beginning of the surrender and trust, trust that your body and your baby know what to do when the time is right.
Going inward also means more space to tune into your baby, their movement pattern and their ‘normal’. It’s a myth that babies will slow down as you get closer to birth – their patterns and frequency of movement should remain consistent, and if they don’t and you have any concerns, please don’t wait to get in touch with your care Midwife or obstetrician straight away.Nourishing yourself – what brings you joy? Makes you feel good? Makes you feel happy and safe? A good movie, a book, a chat with a loved friend who you can truly just be with? Allowing whatever feelings to flow through and be let out… I remember needing to really grieve and let myself feel all the emotions of sadness before my labour with my second daughter began. I was grieving the change to the relationship with my first born, and I know many of us feel this as we grow our families. It’s all valid and normal, let yourself feel whatever you need to.
Nourishing yourself also means moving in ways that feel good, stretches to support balance in the pelvic soft tissues, keep the pelvis supple and your body feeling good and ready for birth. Optimal Maternal Positioning and the daily alignment techniques, planning some appointments for Massage, Acupuncture, Chiro or Osteo, yoga or walks, some things to look after YOU as you pass this precious time.Practicing boundaries and protecting your space – again this is almost a practice run for postpartum, you don’t need to update or respond to every well-intentioned message checking in to see if you’ve birthed your baby yet. Perhaps you could allocate this to a trusted friend or family member, or send out a message that you’re going offline for a bit or won’t be replying and will do so when you’re ready?
I know this can be a big challenge for many of us as we play out the ‘good girl’ narrative that we’ve often grown up with, not wanting to offend or disappoint anyone… but this is the time to practice setting these boundaries that will help you as you navigate new parenthood and beyond. Those who love you will understand and respect your need for space.
And lastly those words again… Trust and surrender. I believe this time is extra challenging for us in our modern lives where to a certain extent we have control (or at least perceived control) over many things in our lives… and waiting for birth is unlike anything else.
A skill and practice we’re just not attuned to, waiting and surrendering to what will be, maybe this is also our first lesson in parenthood and knowing that we can make things easier on ourselves if we can surrender to what is, rather than fighting against it and what we want or need it to be.
“Don’t push the river, it flows by itself.”
This is one of my favourite quotes from the always wise and articulate Jodi Wilson (@practicingsimplicity) for birth, mothering and life. It might be a nice one to have on your bathroom mirror.
I hope this has been supportive for you or maybe something you might like to come back to in the last few weeks as a reminder to go gently on yourself.
You’re doing a wonderful job.
Until next month
Lauretta x
My last in person workshop for this year is on 19 November from 10:00am - 1:30pm at Buninyong Community House.
Movement – Mindset – Touch
Your mindset
Preparing your body for birth with Optimal Maternal Positioning
Movement for birth
What to do if challenges arise
How to be a fab support person
Massage & hands on techniques
$250 per couple – Book your spot here
Much love -
*Information shared is of a general nature only and is not medical advice — please see your own care provider for specific and individualised information and advice. All personal stories & photos shared with permission.
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